Private Pilates

Looking for a higher level of supervision? Our private pilates classes are here for you, whether you have a specific need or goal in mind, or just fancy some quality ‘you’ time. You’ll get access to our full range of pilates equipment and the close attention of a professional instructor makes our private sessions the best choice for those who have no previous pilates experience.

Get in touch to discuss your needs and book a private pilates session ->

Private Studio Sessions


Private 1 to 1 Pilates

The close supervision of a one to one setting helps you get the most out of your sessions. Your professional instructor will be on hand at all times ensuring correct movement and optimum progress towards your goals. These sessions provide a high-level of attention that makes them perfect for individuals suffering with an injury.


Duo Pilates session

A duo session is a great way to enjoy all the benefits of a private pilates training environment but with the added motivation that comes from training with a partner or friend, helping you to keep on track, push yourself a little harder, spend time with a partner or simply enjoy a green tea with someone after your session.


Introduction To Pilates

A 3 step programme designed just for you! In your first session, you’ll get a free health screening. We’ll discuss your health history, lifestyle and pilates goals and we’ll help you get to grips with the pilates apparatus. We take everything from your first session and put together a specially developed programme which you’ll implement in sessions 2 and 3 so you can feel firsthand the benefits of pilates by your final session.


Meet our instructors

All our passionate instructors are here to give you the best possible pilates experience and are fully trained to motivate, support and progress you towards your goals.

Meet the pilates team ->
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