Pilates for Healthy Ageing - Advice From a Pilates Tutor in Farnham

As we age, our bodies go through many changes. We may lose muscle mass, become less flexible, and our bones may become weaker, making it difficult to stay active and independent.

Pilates is a form of exercise that can help to improve balance, flexibility, and bone density. It is a low-impact exercise that can be modified to suit all fitness levels. Our Pilates classes in Farnham are offered in a supportive and motivating environment, to help you to feel more energised and healthier.

How Pilates Can Improve Balance

Balance is essential for everyday activities such as walking, climbing stairs, and getting out of bed. As we age, our balance naturally declines, which can naturally increase our risk of falls.

At Elisabeth Pilates, we incorporate exercises that help to improve balance by strengthening the core muscles, which are the muscles that support the spine and pelvis. Pilates also helps to improve proprioception, which is the ability to sense your body's position in space.

How Pilates Can Improve Flexibility

Flexibility is important for maintaining the range of motion in the joints. While ageing, our muscles and tendons become tighter, ultimately making it difficult to move our joints through their full range of motion.

Specialist Pilates exercises help to improve flexibility by stretching the muscles and tendons. Pilates also helps to improve joint lubrication, which can help to reduce pain and stiffness.

How Pilates Can Improve Bone Density

Bone density put simply is the amount of minerals in the bones. Even while ageing gracefully, our bone density naturally declines. Unfortunately, this can increase our risk of osteoporosis, a condition that causes weak and brittle bones.

Our Pilates exercises in Farnham can help osteoporosis, improving bone density by placing stress on the bones. This stress triggers the body to produce new bone cells. These exercises also help to improve balance and coordination, which can help to reduce the risk of falls.

The Benefits of Pilates for Healthy Ageing

In addition to improving balance, flexibility, and bone density, Pilates has many other benefits for healthy ageing, including:


Reduced pain and stiffness

Improved posture

Increased strength

Improved sleep

Reduced stress

Improved mood

Pilates Classes at Elisabeth Pilates

Elisabeth Pilates offers a variety of Pilates classes for all fitness levels. Our classes are taught by experienced and certified Pilates instructors in Farnham, coordinated in a supportive and motivating environment.

Read more of our FAQs here.

Combat Physical Signs of Ageing With Pilates

Pilates is a great option to improve your balance, flexibility, and bone density, and promote a healthy ageing process. If you’re interested in trying out this wonderful, inclusive exercise, why not book a trial session by contacting us today? Our instructors are experienced and certified, welcoming all abilities to join us in improving overall health and well-being, no matter your age.

Book your trial Pilates session today!